Xanadu is a premium unisex facial, beauty, clinic in Carina that provides you with all your mind, body and beauty needs. We are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care and services – with customised advice and solutions that will have you looking and feeling your best. Xanadu proudly use PicoSure® – the world’s best and finest effective picosecond aesthetic laster. We can provide you skin revitalisation, tattoo removal, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and age spots treatments. The luxurious and tropical surroundings of our Xanadu clinic are designed for your comfort, convenience and total relaxation.
All staff have been personally trained by Shuai herself and are extremely skilled with an international approach and training to their work. Monthly training sessions help them stay up to date and exchange notes.
More than ten years of experience in non-invasive & non-surgical skin treatments have given us the time to select and create new treatment plans with the least downtime and virtually painless skin treatments.
We have exclusive access to the latest US FDA and AU approved technologies and treatments . This has enabled us to bring into our clinic best practices and skincare treatments in Australia.
Shuai Yang believes in using the latest technology from global leaders in skincare to keep the clinic up to date with international training.
All our clients have responsive access to Nixie in case of any pre or post-treatment questions and support.
All the medical treatments at Xanadu Therapies are conducted using the highest skincare protocol.Medical equipment is also handled by trained professionals.
Xanadu Therapies proudly uses the latest proven laser technology. In partnership with the world’s best leading technology CynoSure’s MedLite C6, PicoSure and the Global Beauty Group including USA’s most effective products in the skin care industry that has 30 years of legacy for skin innovation, Obagi.
Why don’t we revitalise your mind, body and skin?
Feel at your excellence today!
Beautiful, glowing-looking skin starts with Xanadu Therapies.
Call now at 0447 033 888 or send us a message for a free quote.